Writing Legible SQL

There are a lot of ways to write SQL, and everyone has their own style. This post describes how I write SQL, and why. I think that as devolopers gain more experience writing SQL, they gradually shift towards a similar style.

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A Guide for SQL in Interviews

Interviews suck. And determining a candidates SQL skill is hard to do, especially in a short amount of time. Here’s a guide to make SQL Interviews suck less, whether your are the candidate or the interviewer.

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A Cheatsheet for using DataTables in UiPath Studio

UiPath Studio is an easy to use tool that helps you quickly build automations. It offers an easy to use, visual drag-and-drop interface. There are many activities that utilize a .NET data structure known as a DataTable, which people unfamiliar with .NET might not have experience with. Here is a cheatsheet to using DataTables in UiPath Studio.

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